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Physical worries of working women

We had a monthly meeting by using a video coferencing platform in Nov. 18th, 2020. I recently think that WIE monthly meeting has become a chatting place for WIE. This means that we have achieved the WIE role in someways.

We discussed topics which would be discussed at the panel discussion of WIE session of ISAP2020.I would like to share some interesting topics.

  • It is a good support or not for women?
  • Infertility treatments for working women.

It is a good support or not for women?

Don't you have an experience to receive such a message "OK, I will have supper myself outside!" from your men partners when you are too busy to cook supper for family members?

Such message never acceptable for working women. In this situation, most women would thank their men partners if they replyed "OK, I will cook today! What kind of dishes do you want to eat?"

On the other hand, men partners will think that eating theirself is a very helpful suggestion for women because they don't need to prepare supper for them. But who will prepare women suppers? Why such men cannot think about suppers for women? She is too tired to prepare suppers herself tonight though...

We belive that sharing episodes in WIE will helpfull for spending happy life with your partners.

What interesting episode will be shared by presenters in the WIE session? Can't wait!

Infertility treatments for working women.

Another interesting topic was the infertility treatments of working women.
Don't you know that the percentage of the babies born of external fertilization? It has become about 6% or more recently. It menas 1 in 15 and more couples are trying to have a baby with ingertility treatments. Actually, this fact is suprising even for me...

I don't know the exact reason why the percentage is increasing, but it can be said that the workplace is too stressful for women to maintain hormonal balance ... Moreover, it also can be said that the workplace is too stressful even for men to maintain hormonal balance.. In fact, it has been a well-known fact that the 50% cases are caused of men's sterility problems, and those men are offen affected by stress.

We believe that stressfree work places will enhanve productivities on businesses. So, women and men should cooperate each other for making more cofortable work place!



Hi,Just get know this page. Great! Looking forward to joining tomorrow's WIE meeting!

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